ADVENTurous is an open submission exhibition exploring the christmas narrative, which we're staging in 3 UK venues during advent this year : at Engedi in Colwyn Bay, Leftbank in Leeds and the Union Chapel in Islington, London.

The work exhibited at Union Chapel will also be part of the one-day ‘ADVENTurous' conference, hosted by Greenbelt Festival and partners.

On this blog we'll be posting regular updates about how plans for the Leftbank Leeds show are progressing, with information about the contributing artists, and possibly some previews of the work being created for the exhibition...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Introducing... James Feraciour

We asked James Feraciour to describe himself, and to tell us about five things that inspire him. Here's his reply...

James Feraciour: hungry, happy, godless, wandering, soulful, undercover, electric, naive, optimistic, idealistic, misfit.

1) I love dancing, and have recently taken up swing dancing (lindy hop, charleston, etc) - I totally love it! :) 

2) Knowledge is awesome, and the internet is super-awesome for finding out interesting stuff: Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, and of course, TED.

3) Happiness - as well as painting, and djing, I'm also an occasional well-being coach, and I can honestly say that putting this stuff into practice has transformed my life.  

4) Tumblr - closely related to happiness.  In a parallel universe, I could quite happily tumble all day. 

5) Being - it's absolutely amazing to think you and I are here to share this moment right now; that due to billions of energy shifts, physical exchanges, biological interactions, and human choices spanning many millennia, and stretching back to way before the beginning of recorded history, here we are, now.  That in itself is probably the most inspiring thing I'm aware of.


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