ADVENTurous is an open submission exhibition exploring the christmas narrative, which we're staging in 3 UK venues during advent this year : at Engedi in Colwyn Bay, Leftbank in Leeds and the Union Chapel in Islington, London.

The work exhibited at Union Chapel will also be part of the one-day ‘ADVENTurous' conference, hosted by Greenbelt Festival and partners.

On this blog we'll be posting regular updates about how plans for the Leftbank Leeds show are progressing, with information about the contributing artists, and possibly some previews of the work being created for the exhibition...

Monday, December 10, 2012

'Looking for Signs in the City' by Steve Broadway

I’m a retired architect and live in Bristol.
I’ve consistently drawn, sketched and photographed throughout my architectural career, but
photography has become a particular passion over the past ten years or so.
Somewhat predictably perhaps, a good deal of my photography has an
architectural “feel” – light+shade, line, form and with a strong emphasis on composition.

I see Advent as a time of waiting, of anticipation, of hope and of expectation.
I think it’s also very much about awareness and seeking - and, although most of us may look at
our surroundings, we often don’t see things.  In simple terms: if you don’t look, you won’t see...
I decided to produce a photographic montage based on a Magi/Journey theme, made up of
photographs taken over the course of two days of walks within my home city of
Bristol - although the images reflect any typical, urban location.

Some of the images might reflect a sense of hopeLESSness (eg. against a backdrop of
government cuts, climate change and financial crises).

Others, hopefully, hint at possible new beginnings, optimism or light relief… perhaps even
finding God’s presence in unremarkable places – but only if we really look.

(smaller versions of this piece will soon be available as digital prints - price on request)

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