ADVENTurous is an open submission exhibition exploring the christmas narrative, which we're staging in 3 UK venues during advent this year : at Engedi in Colwyn Bay, Leftbank in Leeds and the Union Chapel in Islington, London.

The work exhibited at Union Chapel will also be part of the one-day ‘ADVENTurous' conference, hosted by Greenbelt Festival and partners.

On this blog we'll be posting regular updates about how plans for the Leftbank Leeds show are progressing, with information about the contributing artists, and possibly some previews of the work being created for the exhibition...

Friday, December 14, 2012

'Xmas Madonna' by Rick Beerhorst

We are an artist family of eight living in downtown Grand Rapids MI USA with
backyard chickens and no car. We would love our Etsy shops to be your way through
our front door.  We support our selves making art and that means every purchase
helps our family continue on its mysterious adventure and have the money
to replace the bicycle tires when they wear out.

We use salvaged materials for not only shipping but also for art material when ever possible.

Much of the imagery springs out of our life together.
A love for color and texture as well as a strong interest in the past guides my selection of images.
I have always felt that a piece of art work can become a portal into the spiritual world like
the idea of thin places in Celtic theology.
All artistic creation can become a flight towards God.
Then let’s surround ours selves with truth and beauty and live lives accordingly.

Woodcut, collage

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